Monday, February 22, 2010

How Our Hearts Became One...

~Our Love Story~
The morning of February 22, 2003- I was up much earlier then I ever would have needed to be, but I couldn’t sleep. For one I was too excited to sleep and for the other... I was song hunting. The night before, my personal attendant, discovered we didn’t get the song copied that was to be sung at our wedding. So early in the morning we were trying to track down a copy of it. We didn't find one, so it wasn't sung at our wedding. (And I was very aggravated to later find out Delvyn’s parents had a copy.) My personal attendant was the best ever!! She is my cousin who came and spent the week of my wedding with me. My wedding would have been a much more disorganized mess, if not for her. I should explain, that I found out after our Honeymoon, that I had Mono. So the 2 weeks leading up to my wedding, I was so tired I was not to caring what happened. ‘Let’s just get married and get out if here’, was my feelings. I was very ready for this phase of it to be behind me. I was in such an I-don't-care-anymore mode my cousin was writing out Thank-you Notes during the Ceremony that morning. Anyway-back to getting ready…

Our pictures were to start at 8:00am. I had wanted to have a quiet moment alone with my Groom before the pictures, but of course I was running behind time. So we had a hurried ‘Hi’ in the hall. Our wedding was to start at 10:00. So my morning felt very pushed and full. (About the only thing I would change, I'd have an afternoon wedding. :) )

Minutes before I was to walk down the aisle, my Dad met me in the hall. He was all flustered, ‘The chicken is not getting done and it needs to be ready to eat in 2 ½ hours!!’ I remember looking at him, with a blank and then shocked look. I was thinking ‘You are telling your Bride Daughter that?? ‘And just what am I to do about it?? Magically push a button & *poof* they are done??' (They were done in time-we had some awesome cooks!!)

When walking down the aisle, toward the man I’d learned to love so well, and seeing his smile, it let me know I was following my heart. As my Dad gave me away, it was with anticipation that I went from his care and protection to the man I was going to marry in a short time.

After we exchanged vows and turned to face our guests, my heart nearly stopped, sitting before me was a sea of faces. About 350, to be exact!! And it nearly freaked me out, I was void of emotions. That is until we were half way back down the aisle, and it hit me, ‘I’m married!!!’ I held onto my new Husband’s hand, as we walked out the doors and into Wedded Bliss.

This song says so well my feelings. I left out a lot of details in 'Our Story'. And lots of tears and pain were yet to come. We have been through a lot but 'Through it all, I'd Choose you again.'  I could never have asked for a more perfect man to be my husband. Sure he has faults and is not perfect, but he compliments my life in a way I could have never orchestrated. It is awesome to know God lead us together and when we hit those rough spots in life, we can turn to Him, knowing He knows we can make it through!!  And we come out on the other side stronger then ever before. Our hearts have truly 'Become One'-I look back to Our Wedding Day and think I hardly loved him compared to how much I love him now. True love just grows and grows!!

I wish I had photo's to share... but our photographer was not good!!! We don't have many pictures at all, and the ones we do are not digital. One day I'd like to get them transferred to digital, and then I can edit them. (They are greenish.)
Thanks for following along... I enjoyed sharing this part of my life... And reliving the memories.


  1. I didn't like our photographer either.. he was a bit rude and there are some good pictures but just so so.

  2. Hey just stopping by to say Hi from Friday Follow!

    Happy Follow Friday!


  3. Lois, it was interesting reading your love story. I have to agree with the part you said "and think I hardly love him compared to how much I love him now". Andy and I say the same thing. And if someone gets married we say if they think they love each other now wait couple of years it will be much better. -Rosetta
