Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cinnamon Rolls

A favorite around here is Cinnamon Rolls. And the last few weeks my son has been asking for them. So last week while my Mom was out of town, my sisters and I made a batch. Not even half of them went in my freezer... my sisters took some home and I shared a bunch with friends & family!! My 80 yr old Grandparents made a surprise visit that afternoon. And we thoroughly enjoyed their visit. They live 2 hrs away, and know their trips are numbered!! We sent a bunch of rolls with them too.

Cinnamon Rolls
3T. Yeast
1/2C. Warm water
1C. Butter
3C. Milk-scalded
5 Eggs
1 C. Sugar
2 tsp Salt
11-12 C. Flour
Dissolve yeast in warm water. Put butter in milk after it is scalded. Set aside until it is lukewarm. Beat eggs and sugar. Add salt, yeast and milk. Add the flour, only put in enough to just so loose it's stickiness.
Let rise 'til double in size. Roll out dough into large rectangles. (I just keep dividing the dough into managable sizes.) Pour on butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll up and cut into 1/2-3/4in. slices. I use thread to neatly cut them.
Place in pans and bake at 350* for 20-25 min.
1 C. Butter
2 C. Brown Sugar
2/3 C. Milk
Powdered Sugar
Melt butter, and brown sugar & milk. Heat just enough so sugar disolves. Set aside til cool. Add powdered sugar, to the consistancy you want. Then frost your rolls.

Very, very Yummy!!!

I'm linking to Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays
with Blessed With Grace.

And Tasty Tuesday with Beauty and Bedlam.


  1. I made these once and never again. I wonder why not though? Because they were so yummy!

  2. Those have "carnal sin," written all over them. Yum!!


  3. Holy cow those look good!! Oh I think I have to make those today.

  4. Those look delicious ... and yours turned out so pretty! I never get perfect spirals like that. :)

  5. What a great recipe. It sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy TMTT.


  6. Those look incredible!!Thanks for linking your post to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.

  7. Those look so delicious! When you freeze extra, do you freeze them before baked, or after?

  8. YUMMY! These look divine, cinnamon rolls is one of my fave things to make!

