Thursday, February 4, 2010

Counting Sheep? Or Peaceful Sleep...

Have you ever gone to bed to sleep? Only to have your mind run and run?? Your eyes are very heavy and your whole body is asking you to just shut down the thoughts and get some rest.
You finally resort to counting sheep, only to have them scatter before you get to 17. There are just to many thoughts to be thought, problems to solved, plans to be made and dreams to dream.
As the hours gets later, you think you simply MUST get some sleep!! But those brain wheels just won't shut down. Soon the 'late' hour becomes an early one, and you wonder how you will ever function 'tomorrow' on only a few hours of sleep. Surely you will be a crabby mess.
But often times I find the opposite to be true. Let me explain... If I don't take time to myself to 'just think', I end spending a night 'Thinking'. I have to sort out bits and pieces of my life, reorganizing and rearranging, praying and laying EVERYTHING at His feet!!
And ONLY then do I find peace and rest. Only then will I be able to sleep. Trusting my Shepherd to lead His Sheep!!!! And the day ahead will be much better, because my life is in order and back under a Loving Shepherds care. And that's a Finer Thing for me!!

Linked to -Amy's Finer Things
                Friday Follow


  1. Oh, how I can relate! Isn't it great to get that sweet sleep that the Lord provides when we "cast our cares on Him"? :D

  2. So so true! I start my morning with a prayer saying, I cannot do this, please do it for me.. and end the day thanking him for helping me.

    My days really do go so much better when I don't try and do it all myself.

    Following you now too

  3. I completely understand. I need that thinking time too.
    Came over from Friday Follow! Very nice to meet you.

  4. We really try to have family prayer everyday...but I find when we do have it, we sleep better and are quicker to let the mind relax.

    New from Friday Follow:)

  5. that happens to me all the time!

    Following from Friday Follow.

    Have a great weekend!


  6. Wasn't sure where to put this I'm a Friday Follower, and this is my first week and now I'm following you. I like how you did your pictures. Cute baby.

  7. Hi, Friday following you.

    Come visit me at



  8. Hi, Following from Friday Follow:)

    Maopa at LusciousDeals

  9. Love the pictures! He's a cutie-pie!

    Visiting from Friday Follow! I'm your newest follower! I'd love for you to come visit me!

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  10. Aw, good for you! I am all about farm life - we get raw milk from a small dairy farm in Michigan. Thanks for the reminder to lay everything at Jesus's feet when I need sleep!
    :) Katie

  11. Following from FF!

  12. Stopping by from Fri Follows - I'm a new follower! Love to have you stop by:
