Friday, May 21, 2010

Preparing for Sunday

How are you on a Sunday Morning?? I don't mean physically, I mean mentally. When you get to Church are you ready to meet with and worship your Saviour??Are you relaxed and rested in your soul and spirit? Are you all ready to be refreshed and refilled for another week. Or are you one of those who have rushed around all morning, and when you get to your bench at church, do you plop down with a heavy sigh?? One that lets you finally relax and begin thinking of the reason you came to church in the first place, to Worship the ONE who has seen you through your full, busy week.

Preparing for a Sunday Morning Church Service begins on Saturday. And it starts with a plan, such as doing things ahead so that Sunday Morning you can be relaxed.

Have you ever noticed that when you, as the Mom, are feeling frazzled, it gets passed to your children. Many times when we get to church and I begin to relax, I realize my boys are uptight. And they tend to misbehave and have a hard time sitting still because Mom has 'Wound them up'.

This is an area I am working on, so here is a list of my idea's that have helped me to be more relaxed and still be 'On Time', on a Sunday Morning.

-Prepare your Sunday noon meal on Sat. Or at least have most of it done, before Sunday Morning. I try to do my cooking Sat. A.M. but you do whatever works for you. I like simple things like a casserole. Baked potatoes are another common thing, along with a simple meat. My husband is also a great one for saying, 'Just make Tomato Soup and toasted cheese sandwiches'. Especially after a particularly full and busy Saturday.

-Prepare/Plan your Sunday Morning Breakfast. This seems like such a simple thing, and yet, it can be time consuming if not prepared for. We pretty much always have Homemade Granola with Yogurt and Strawberries. It's super simple and yet filling.

-Bathe on Saturday evening. There is nothing like snuggling and cuddling with 3 squeaky clean little boys, with their damp hair and sweet smelling skin. I also like to trim finger and toe nails if needed, because they are free of foreign particles from the outdoors.

-Lay out my boy's clothes and any other clothes you may need, if you plan to be gone for lunch or the day. And pick out my own clothes. I don't know how much time I have wasted, waiting til the last minute to decide what to wear... and then something doesn't match right and I have to start over...

-Pack your diaper bag. Extra diapers, clothes, quiet toys for Church, simple snack... etc. etc.

-Do a last minute 'House Clean Up', before tucking boys in bed.

-Put boys to bed  on time, if not a tad earlier then normal.

-Have everything you need to take with you, set out and ready to be picked up and walked out the door. I have found this works great, my Hubby knows what needs to go, by the pile in the 'normal spot'. (Often the table, but I'm working on getting it moved to the dryer.)

-Go to bed early myself.

-And take time to prepare your heart for worship, be it Saturday evening or Sunday Morning.

Sunday Morning
- I like to rise early enough to be up and ready-showered and hair combed, before my 'littles' wake up. (Still an area I am working on, they like to get up the same time I do.)

-Get the boys up early enough so they have plenty of time to eat and get dressed, without me needing to push them, making you and them uptight. (Most times I don't need to worry about this. They get up too early.)

-Put my lunch in the oven on -Time Bake-.

-Eat and have the kitchen cleaned up by 8.

-Get myself and my boys ready to leave. We like to be heading out the door soon after 9.

If I can follow these guidelines-as a general rule-I find my Sundays a lot more relaxed. Even if I get most of the list done, on Saturday, it sure goes a long way in helping.
If I can be relaxed, my little ones are relaxed. And when we walk into church, there is a sense of calmness and a readiness for Worship and a refreshing of spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your ideas and addressing this important issue of Sunday preparation. I'm doing my best to implement a lot of what you mentioned -- and I still have a lot to learn!

    Best, Heather
