Saturday, May 8, 2010

God Gave To Me A Child

God gave to me a child – and then I knew
The precious gift of life, the beating heart,
The little hand that clings in childish trust,
The shining eyes that are so much a part
Of every moment in a parent’s day;
A language that no words could ever say.

God gave to me a child – and then I knew
The joy of love fulfilled, the quiet peace
Of home and fireside where, with strife denied,
The heart can calmly rest in love’s release,
Can gain strength in knowing angels stand
Around little ones with guarding hand.

God gave to me a child – and then I knew
The parenthood of God, the eternal care
Of He who keeps the night watch and never sleeps
Who, when His children need Him, is always there.
I sought His kingdom for so long a while,
And then I found it in my little baby’s smile.
 ~James B. Singleton ~
Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's out there!!! What an awesome calling we have in life!! As I fill the role God has placed me in, I admire my own Mother more and more. She has qualities in life that I hope will grow in mine. I hope my own sons will look back one day and see that, though I am not perfect, I loved them. I had their hearts in mind, I had goals for them to reach, I had time for them, I listened to all their stories, I cared deeply for them, I tried to understand what goes on in their minds, That I am pointing their hearts to God... Oh, I could go on... My heart is full of love for my boys. As I watch them grow so fast, I realize I don't have much time to mold their tender hearts. Time is short. Am I doing all that I can be, should be?? Will they be able to look back and say those things, I as a Mother, dream of hearing one day?? I pray for strength in this journey of Motherhood, that only God can give me. Only He can see me through those rough days, only He can give me wisdom. And for that I am so Thankful!!!
He has given me a wonderful life!! No, it's not perfect. But it is filled with the people who are helping me, shaping me, and guiding me. And one of them is my own Mother!! She means the world to me. And I am so glad to have her as a very close Friend. Mom, I love you!!!

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