Friday, May 7, 2010

Whole Wheat Pancakes

We love these simple whole wheat pancakes. When we first were married, I tried making pancakes, and to my dismay, found out my new hubby did not like them. So I tried added frozen blueberries, and yippee, he loved them that way. Now that is the only way I make them.

Lately, I've been wondering how to eat pancakes without slathering them with so much syrup (sugar)!! I have never cared for the pure Maple Syrup flavor, and love 'Log Cabin Syrup'. I was pleased to find it without High Fructose Corn Syrup in it. (I am still experimenting with making my own.) Well, this morning I decided to try putting yogurt on the pancakes, then just a bit of syrup. It was VERY, VERY good. My boys loved it. I make my own yogurt, so it was one of those 'good for you meals'.

When my hubby came in, I told him of our experiment... To say the least he was very sceptical of it. But he consented to trying it on one pancake. And he liked it too!! So we have a new official way of eating them!!

Whole Wheat Pancakes
1 Egg
1 C. Buttermilk I use whole milk when I don't have buttermilk on hand.
2 T. Oil/Butter
1 1/4 C. Whole Wheat Fresh Ground Flour Recipe calls for only 3/4 c. but we don't care for ours that runny. So I add flour 'til it's the consistancy I like.
1 T. Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Salt
Beat egg, add remaining ingredients in order listed. Then beat until smooth, with wire whisk. Pour on hot griddle. Makes 10 4 in. pancakes.
We like blueberries in our pancakes. So I put 4-6 on top of each pancake after I pour on griddle. They are frozen, and most times are fry ok. Now and then I will have unfried batter around a berry.

Serve piping hot, with yogurt and a bit of syrup.

Printer friendly version here.

Linked to 8 Muddy Boots From Scratch
               Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
               Tasty Tuesday
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