Monday, May 17, 2010

Aunt Evelyn's Whole Wheat Bread

Aunt Evelyn's Whole Wheat Bread
3 1/2 Cups Water
6 TBS. Oil -I use butter
6 TBS. Honey
1 1/2 Tsp. Salt
1 TBS Vinegar
2 TBS. Wheat Gluten
4 Cups Whole Wheat Flour-freshly ground
2 TBS. Yeast
2 TBS. Lecithin

Let sponge until bubbly, not more then 10 minutes or so. Then add about 4 to 5 more cups of flour. And knead well, it should be soft but not sticky. Let raise until double, about an hour, then shape into 3 loaves and let raise half hour-just to top of bread pans. Then bake 350* for 30 minutes or bread is done. Pop out of pans and butter tops.

Cut yourself a slice, butter it and enjoy a slice of fresh, homemade bread!!! We love it!!!! I freeze 2 loaves, and they are just fine when I thaw them.

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