Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mom's Chili Soup

My mom makes the BEST chili soup- Hand's Down!!! I maybe a bit bias, but I've tried many, many so called 'Chili Soup's', and they just don't come close. She got it from the Rose Dale Bible School in OH, for those that care to know.
Soup may seem a bit strange to be posting in the summer, but as rainy and cool as it's been around here, it's just seems a 'soupy' kind of day!! It's simple and fast to make. I often make a full batch, as it makes a lot for my little family, then freeze the extra for another meal.
Mom's Chili Soup
2lb Ground Burger
2 TBS Chili Powder
1 C. Flour
1/2 C. Onion Flakes
5 C. Water
4 C. Ketchup
1/2 C. Brown Sugar (or less)
1 can Kidney Beans

Fry burger until brown, with Chili Powder and Onions. Drain fat.
Then add flour, make sure kettle is away from heat.
Return to heat and slowly add water, while stirring.
Bring to a boil, then add Ketchup and Brown Sugar,
and kidney beans. Simmer until ready to eat.

We also like to eat this with shredded cheese, or corn bread or freshly baked bread or rolls.
Printer Friendly version here.

Linked to-
Tasty Tuesday
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday

1 comment:

  1. Actually, my Mom makes the best! lol I don't think I've ever had yours tho I have heard about it. :)
