Saturday, June 19, 2010

Blessing Our Husbands

Father's Day, a wonderful time to bless the Father/Husband in your home, as well as the Father of your life. What a great opportunity to do something special for them. Many times I try to think of something creative... and this year was no different. (I did splurge on my man this year!! {He just doesn't know it yet.} And I can't wait to see his face!!)

But another way to bless the Husband/Father/Provider of your home maybe simpler then you think. And it may bless him in more ways then you could ever know.

A couple weeks ago, my cousin, posted on her blog this post. And it got me to do some thinking. {Not a new experience, by the way. smile} But at looking for ways to bless my husband in ways that he notices, understands and feels.

There are many books & writings out there on 'How to love your man', 'How to honor him, respect him', etc. Now don't get me wrong, they have many good things in them, good points and things to consider. But there are times I have noticed, that my man didn't fit the 'text book' kind. He didn't feel loved the way they said a man would. Do all of us as wives feel love in the same way??

What 'shows' your man you love him?? After taking Shy's question, "If the entire Big House Estate was in a state of chaos, and the mistress had time to rectify one thing, what would you hope it to be?". I took it to heart and began thinking about it-hard!! I decided to ask my own Husband the question, but I reworded it my own way. And pretty much point blank. 'If I had only 10 min. to clean the house, what would you want me to clean up first??' After talking a bit about it, I found out he likes the kitchen counters cleaned, dishes washes, and table cleared. The toy littered floors don't bug him nearly as much as I thought it might. Or maybe I should say, as much as I thought it sounded like he should from things I've read. I guess, eye level things are more important to my man.

So this year, I've commited to keeping those areas clean(er). I know not every day will be perfect. Dishes are not my favorite thing to do, and I'd rather do them on a once a day basis. So it will take more time on my part to wash them 2 or more times a day. But I must admit it is wonderful to walk into a cleaned up kitchen, free of dirty dishes. The counters are clean and clear, everything is just ready and waiting for another project to be started there. (I say project, because I make everything from lotion and laundry soap to breads and desserts.

I've been feeling blessed, just knowing I'm blessing my Husband in this simple way. He may not say much about it from here on out, but in my heart, I know he cares and is appreciating it. 
A marriage takes communication. I think it is one of the most important keys. I just happened to read this post, after following a Works-for-me-Wed. linky. And was blessed. There are still couples working hard on their marriages, when Satan wants nothing more then to ruin them. A wonderful, loving marriage does not happen overnight. And I'm so thankful for this journey of love I'm on, that started a long while ago. If I would have known all the things the past year would hold, I'm not sure I would believe it. But God is good, He can take the rocky places and make them into stepping stones. We just need to allow Him to do it. And I am blessed because of it.


  1. I love that top picture--you could find my hubby that way (with or without our little guy) almost any day we have the tractors out! :o)

    And I LOVE your post, sound very similar to me, and your husband to mine. This was convicting, and has really made me reflect on how to better appreciate my hubby. Thank you!

  2. I must say, you have a pretty amazing guy! And I'm so glad to see you try and bless him in the way he would most appreciate it. :-)
