Monday, June 28, 2010

Homemade Noodles

I did a first the other week-made my own noodles!! Thankfully, I had Bev's expertise to help me. We actually went together to get the noodle maker. So now we'll probably about always make them together, which of course is way more fun then doing it all by yourself. And for me, I get babysitting services for free. (She has 4 girls who are a great help with my boys and there are 2 boys to play with as well.)
Now for the recipe...

Homemade Whole Wheat Egg Noodles
1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 Cup All-Purpose Four
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
3 Large Eggs - Room Temp.
1 TBS Cold Water
Mix in stand mixer, until ball forms. Add more water or flour depending on need.
Then mix by hand, adding flour, until no longer sticky. And you can put through roller on the noodle maker.
We put ours through twice to get it to our desired thinness.
Then hang to dry-but only partially. The noodle maker can't cut it freshly made. Hanging them outside on a wooden clothes rack made for fast drying. Well, that is until it began to rain. Once inside they took much longer to dry.
This was the fun part!!!
And yes, we had to try the Spinach Noodles, MUCH to our husbands dismay!!!! But it was worth it, just to hear their stammerings and sputterings! I haven't tried them yet, mostly because I've been threatened that when I do, he'll be 'heading to town for supper'.

Let the noodles dry overnight, then store in an air tight container. We store most of ours in the freezer, and only keep some out for using before long. 
Oh, before I forget, we made many of batches of noodles. One batch makes 2 of those strips hanging on the drying rack, about enough for one meal for us. And what I love about this recipe is that it uses the whole egg, not just the yolks.

I LOVE homemade noodles. There is just nothing like them. And it just makes soups so much better.
Making Noodles is FUN!!!!
I had to add this picture... he was having fun with all the flour!! And somehow got a spot on his nose.

Linked to -Tasty Tuesday
                                    -Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
                   -Tuesdasy Tastes
                                 -Mouth Watering Mondays
                           -Tuesdays At the Table
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1 comment:

  1. My Mom and Grandma always made homemade noodles and no holiday meal was complete without noodles. I tried them years ago but should give them a try again...especially since I have a pasta maker gathering dust. Thanks for the reminder. Your noodles look wonderful :)

