Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sparkling Bathroom

Ahhh, who doesn't love a clean, fresh smelling bathroom!! Sad to say it is one of the last things to get cleaned in this house. Not because it doesn't need it, most time's it's because it's a job that happens to be the least favorite on my 'to-do-list'. So it will get put off and get put off, 'til I tell myself that I can't do 'XYZ' until 'that bathroom is CLEANED'!!!

And this morning was one of those mornings... I would NOT allow myself computer time, until THAT bathroom was sparkling and shining from being scrubbed. And it was so worth it... it looks lovely now!! And the best part... I ONLY used Baking Soda to clean the whole thing!!

Yep, you read that right-Baking Soda. Have you read the back of a baking soda box lately?? I know we all use it in the kitchen ALL the time. It's sitting in the spice rack, waiting for that next batch of cookies to be made. Well, I now have a box sitting under my bathroom sink. (Waiting for a 2 yr. old to find it. This morning he dumped ALL my ground cloves out, and was heading for the next container of spices. It's his newest 'find'.)

Anyway, back to the back of a baking soda box... Did you see what all you can do with it?? Besides using it for cooking and baking!! Wow... LOTS of cleaning ideas... Kitchen and bathroom sinks, counter tops, refrigerators, pots and pans (that one is more common knowledge, I think), Coffee pots, Ovens, Microwaves, stainless steel, showers, tubs, toilets, tile, grout and more. You can also use it for your garbage Pail (think odors), carpets, between uses in dishwasher (again think odors), and a smelly litter box (which you would not find in my house, by the way.).

My cousin was actually the one to point me in the direction of using baking soda to clean my toilet. I was asking her what she uses, instead of buying the chemical laiden stuff from Walmart. And she said she uses Baking Soda. And now and then when she wants something bubbly, will add vinegar. So today I just used baking soda and it worked wonderfully. (I almost said 'beautifully', but didn't think it was a good word to describe a useful thing like a toilet.)

When I used it in my shower, I sprinkled it on the sides and in the tub, then took a stainless steel brush and attacked the soap scum. Wow, I liked those results. Although I do think I'll go buy a brush just for my bathroom. I used the one from my kitchen and it had stuff in it... But it did wonderfully just the same. And I'll go buy a shaker to make it easier to 'sprinkle' instead of 'dumping' on the sides of my tub.

I even used it to clean my combs. And that reminds me... have you ever used Baking Soda to wash your hair?? Just use 1/4 tsp. or so in a cup of water and scrub your head with it. And rinse thoroughly. Leaves your hair soft and feels good. I often rinse my hair with vinegar too.

One simple product with so many uses. And I thought I needed 2 or more different cleaners just for my bathroom.

Happy Cleaning!!


  1. Just to point out that I don't use baking powder.. not sure how that would work. :)

  2. Ok, Lol!!! I fixed it. :) No matter how many times I proof read, I still find mistakes. Thanks for pointing it out though.
