Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Learning CoLoRs

'Collin, which one do you want?? The blue or green one??' I asked. 'The New Holland one', he replied. 'What color is that cup you are holding??' 'Oh, um, John Deere.' Can you tell we live on a farm??

How do you teach a 5 year old child his colors?? We have tried many, many things...

He now knows that orange is just that 'Orange'. I got that one to stick by using this method-

We did a rainbow of colors, using mostly toys. I tried using the 'New Holland' and 'John Deere' tractors the same way, but they are not an orange orange. So they just don't 'click'.  Now he uses 'New Holland' and 'John Deere' to tell those two colors apart.

'Hey, Dad. Which cow had the calf??' 'Number 43.' 'Is that the dark or light one?' 'The black one, it's dark.' Yes, he even uses 'lights' and 'darks' to tell us which one it is.

I picked these learning tools up at the Home School Convention this spring. Collin loves playing with them, and he does an excellent job at sorting them in what ever way I ask him too. I like to have him sort them while I'm doing dishes, or doing something in the kitchen. But it doesn't get done much in the summer now.

Any other ideas or suggestions for ways to make it stick in his head?? Will all of learning go this hard?? I know he's smart, he can ride with you to a place one time and the next time he can almost tell you how to go...

We'll keep practicing 'til he gets it.


  1. Hi Lois

    I've been following your blog for awhile now and so it is time to come out and tell you how much I enjoy it. It is so refreshing to me to see you do all these back to basic type things. The baking soda for you hair is one my oldest daughter does and it has totally changed her hair for the better. The next one always had greasy feeling hair and so she tried it too and her hair feels much better.
    The learning process can be frustrating but keep it up and try different ways. I liked the book The Way They Learn by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias. Just want to encourage you to keep up the good work. It isn't easy to make things from scratch but it is rewarding.

  2. Thanks, Dorothy!! It's so nice to have people leave comments... That's 'refreshing' for me. I'll have to check into that book. I am planning to use the 'My Father's World' curriculum, which is a very hands on, teach how the child learns... so it's kind of new to me. But I think he'll do best on that type of learning.
