Friday, May 14, 2010


Right now I'd much rather be outside... as the sun is finally shining after a week of rain and clouds!! But I figured I better get some more things done inside before next week, when my garden works calls and the flowerbeds ask for attention. I also wanted to share some more things I found... :) And have been having fun with. If you ask my Hubby, I have WAY too many irons in the fire right now. So hopefully things slow down a bit here before long.

First off though, I am finding out more and more people that I know, are reading my blog. I know I've told a lot of people about it, but there are those I hadn't, and I find out they are reading it. Why should I care?? It's not like I posted it on the World Wide Web and didn't want anyone to see it, right?? But it does make  me more nervous, posting ME, for you all to read about. Kinda like putting yourself out there for everyone to judge. And before you do, please know, that I am NOT perfect!!! Most of the posts I write are things I'm learning, and I still make mistakes even after posting. It's just me sharing from my heart. And please, if you have something to say, encouragement, tips, etc. etc., do share. I'm not going to bite!!! I like knowing about my audience, and who's out there. Many thanks to those who have told me they are reading, and have encouraged me. You know who you are...

Next, the fun things...

The first one I just started using a while back, after hearing about it a long time ago. So maybe for some of you, you are already doing it. I wanted to try it out myself, before blogging about it. And that is Paper Back Swap. A place to post some books you no longer want, and then you can order another book off the site, from another person. All you pay is the shipping for the book to who ever requests a book from you. They will mark it 'Received', when they get it, and you will get a credit to order another one. So we are all helping each other out, sending and receiving books. If you sign up under my link, you will give me a credit for a book. Tell your friends to sign up under your name and have the favor returned. If you want to read more about it, do that here.

Another fun site is Swap a DVD. And, yes, it is just like the PaperbackSwap. You post 10 DVDs and you get a credit to order any DVD on the site. I posted 8 DVDs and within 10 minutes 2 of them were requested. I liked that!! So now I am getting rid of a few of those DVDs that we got and then didn't care for. It's a great way to replace those DVDs with something of a much better moral value!! And yes, if you use my name, Lois Martin, as a referral, I'll get a credit.

I also want to remind you of Swagbucks. A search engine, where you randomly earn points, and then you can cash them in for prizes. I have been ordering my $5 gift cards and saving them on One day I will have enough to order my grain mill!!! And you all can help me out, but signing up under my referral link here. Your wins help me win. You can read more about it on my post here.

The other thing I've been doing is posting things on Craigslist and Ebay... and things have been moving. Well, I thought a tent was leaving today, but she never showed up. So either a misunderstanding or who knows. So that is how I've spent my week. I like making a few extra bucks.

If you have any questions, shoot me an email. Have fun exploring these sites...

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