Monday, May 10, 2010

Shea Butter Lotion

I know it's the same picture, but it LOOKS the same as the other stuff.
Here is the first lotion recipe I tried way back last year. And it is the one I plan to use from now on. The lotion recipe I posted a while back, turned out to just be so greasy. Not sure why. I miss that hint of honey smell, that is in that recipe.

 For this recipe I did make changes from the original. But it was because the ingredients I used are better for your skin. They maybe a bit more expensive, but I know my skin needs better care. So I chose to use what I think is best. You may do your own study on the oils, and what oils are best for the human skin.

Shea Butter Lotion
Oil Phase
3 oz. Shea Butter or Cocoa Butter
2 oz. Jojoba Oil
1 oz. Sweet Almond Oil
1.5 oz Emulsifying Wax NF
Melt in double boiler, until all is liquid, about 5 min.

Water Phase
16 oz. Water-warm to your wrist
1 TBS. Glycerin
Mix together.
Then slowly pour your Oil Phase into your water phase, as you mix with a stick blender. (Yes, a stick blender is a MUST!! I tried it with just a hand mixer and it just does not do the job!! So I went a bought one just for my lotion making.)
Once all the oil phase is in the water phase, continue to mix for 2 more minutes. It will be white to off white in color and fairly thin. It will firm up as it cools.
Pour into containers and allow to cool. I like to use old lotion containers or containers with wide mouth openings, making it easy to reach in.

You may want to watch that video, as I watched it before linking, I realized some things I forgot. I changed a few of the ingredients too. And I don't use a preservative. Mainly because we use it fast enough, it won't spoil. And because I am not selling it. (My hubby thinks I should not be freely giving out my recipes. :) Since I am the one going to the work of finding one that works for me. But do remember, what works for my skin may not be the best for yours.)

You may also find it interesting to read this. It is about lotion making, but also contains info on what the ingredients are, in the lotions you buy. If you feel like educating yourself, it's a good place to start.

  • I wanted to know how much I was spending per batch of lotion I am making, so I broke it down. Here they are, I thought you might be interested too.

I'll post in the amounts I buy them in, all purchased at Mountain Rose Herbs.

1 lb Shea Butter - $11.00 - $2.20/batch
8 oz Jojoba Oil - $11.00 - $2.27/batch I will probably get this in a bigger amount next time, so it should make it a bit cheaper.
16 oz Almond Oil - $8.75 - $.55/batch
1 lb Emulsifying Wax - $6.50 - $.62/batch
Glycerin - I'm not even going to figure that out. I bought it by the Gallon a long while ago, and don't even remember what I paid for it. And it only takes 1 TBS!! So it's probably only pennies.
Water - FREE - :)

Total - $5.64 for 22 oz of lotion -Almost 3 cups!!! Not a bad deal, considering you made it, and you KNOW what's in it. And that it's ALL good for you!

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