Thursday, May 27, 2010

Granola Bars

4 1/2 cups rolled oats
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup butter, softened
1 cup honey

Add-ins: 1 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips, 1 cup chopped walnuts
other options include dried fruits, sunflower seeds, coconut, nuts…

Lightly butter a 9×13-inch pan. In a large mixing bowl combine all ingredients except add-ins. Beat hard until combined. Stir in add-ins.
Press mixture into pan — really jam it in there so your bars don’t fall apart. Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes or so, until golden brown. Let cool for 10 minutes before cutting into bars. Let bars cool completely in pan before removing and serving.
Variations- that I have yet to try, but plan too. Since the granola bars are already good, ya couldn't do wrong with some of these. (Unless you don't like Peanut Butter, like me!!)
 ■Add 1/4 cup cocoa powder and skip the chocolate chips
■Use 1/2 cup natural peanut butter in place of 1/2 cup of butter

I like to just sprinkle some chocolate chips on top, right after it comes out of oven. Allow to soften, then spread over the bars.
Not sure it will be a good idea in warm weather... they will tend to get chocolate all over, I'm thinking!

These are our favorite Granola Bars... Hands down!!! I've tried quite a few of them and they just didn't pass the general population of the house, until I made these. They are soft, chewy and so good. But they are a bit crumbly. So it can be messy, especially when a baby eats them. And yes, he LOVES them too!!!
They last great in the refrigerator, okay on the counter, and for sure in the freezer for a long time.

Printer Friendly Version Here.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Learning CoLoRs

'Collin, which one do you want?? The blue or green one??' I asked. 'The New Holland one', he replied. 'What color is that cup you are holding??' 'Oh, um, John Deere.' Can you tell we live on a farm??

How do you teach a 5 year old child his colors?? We have tried many, many things...

He now knows that orange is just that 'Orange'. I got that one to stick by using this method-

We did a rainbow of colors, using mostly toys. I tried using the 'New Holland' and 'John Deere' tractors the same way, but they are not an orange orange. So they just don't 'click'.  Now he uses 'New Holland' and 'John Deere' to tell those two colors apart.

'Hey, Dad. Which cow had the calf??' 'Number 43.' 'Is that the dark or light one?' 'The black one, it's dark.' Yes, he even uses 'lights' and 'darks' to tell us which one it is.

I picked these learning tools up at the Home School Convention this spring. Collin loves playing with them, and he does an excellent job at sorting them in what ever way I ask him too. I like to have him sort them while I'm doing dishes, or doing something in the kitchen. But it doesn't get done much in the summer now.

Any other ideas or suggestions for ways to make it stick in his head?? Will all of learning go this hard?? I know he's smart, he can ride with you to a place one time and the next time he can almost tell you how to go...

We'll keep practicing 'til he gets it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Preparing for Sunday

How are you on a Sunday Morning?? I don't mean physically, I mean mentally. When you get to Church are you ready to meet with and worship your Saviour??Are you relaxed and rested in your soul and spirit? Are you all ready to be refreshed and refilled for another week. Or are you one of those who have rushed around all morning, and when you get to your bench at church, do you plop down with a heavy sigh?? One that lets you finally relax and begin thinking of the reason you came to church in the first place, to Worship the ONE who has seen you through your full, busy week.

Preparing for a Sunday Morning Church Service begins on Saturday. And it starts with a plan, such as doing things ahead so that Sunday Morning you can be relaxed.

Have you ever noticed that when you, as the Mom, are feeling frazzled, it gets passed to your children. Many times when we get to church and I begin to relax, I realize my boys are uptight. And they tend to misbehave and have a hard time sitting still because Mom has 'Wound them up'.

This is an area I am working on, so here is a list of my idea's that have helped me to be more relaxed and still be 'On Time', on a Sunday Morning.

-Prepare your Sunday noon meal on Sat. Or at least have most of it done, before Sunday Morning. I try to do my cooking Sat. A.M. but you do whatever works for you. I like simple things like a casserole. Baked potatoes are another common thing, along with a simple meat. My husband is also a great one for saying, 'Just make Tomato Soup and toasted cheese sandwiches'. Especially after a particularly full and busy Saturday.

-Prepare/Plan your Sunday Morning Breakfast. This seems like such a simple thing, and yet, it can be time consuming if not prepared for. We pretty much always have Homemade Granola with Yogurt and Strawberries. It's super simple and yet filling.

-Bathe on Saturday evening. There is nothing like snuggling and cuddling with 3 squeaky clean little boys, with their damp hair and sweet smelling skin. I also like to trim finger and toe nails if needed, because they are free of foreign particles from the outdoors.

-Lay out my boy's clothes and any other clothes you may need, if you plan to be gone for lunch or the day. And pick out my own clothes. I don't know how much time I have wasted, waiting til the last minute to decide what to wear... and then something doesn't match right and I have to start over...

-Pack your diaper bag. Extra diapers, clothes, quiet toys for Church, simple snack... etc. etc.

-Do a last minute 'House Clean Up', before tucking boys in bed.

-Put boys to bed  on time, if not a tad earlier then normal.

-Have everything you need to take with you, set out and ready to be picked up and walked out the door. I have found this works great, my Hubby knows what needs to go, by the pile in the 'normal spot'. (Often the table, but I'm working on getting it moved to the dryer.)

-Go to bed early myself.

-And take time to prepare your heart for worship, be it Saturday evening or Sunday Morning.

Sunday Morning
- I like to rise early enough to be up and ready-showered and hair combed, before my 'littles' wake up. (Still an area I am working on, they like to get up the same time I do.)

-Get the boys up early enough so they have plenty of time to eat and get dressed, without me needing to push them, making you and them uptight. (Most times I don't need to worry about this. They get up too early.)

-Put my lunch in the oven on -Time Bake-.

-Eat and have the kitchen cleaned up by 8.

-Get myself and my boys ready to leave. We like to be heading out the door soon after 9.

If I can follow these guidelines-as a general rule-I find my Sundays a lot more relaxed. Even if I get most of the list done, on Saturday, it sure goes a long way in helping.
If I can be relaxed, my little ones are relaxed. And when we walk into church, there is a sense of calmness and a readiness for Worship and a refreshing of spirit.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Aunt Evelyn's Whole Wheat Bread

Aunt Evelyn's Whole Wheat Bread
3 1/2 Cups Water
6 TBS. Oil -I use butter
6 TBS. Honey
1 1/2 Tsp. Salt
1 TBS Vinegar
2 TBS. Wheat Gluten
4 Cups Whole Wheat Flour-freshly ground
2 TBS. Yeast
2 TBS. Lecithin

Let sponge until bubbly, not more then 10 minutes or so. Then add about 4 to 5 more cups of flour. And knead well, it should be soft but not sticky. Let raise until double, about an hour, then shape into 3 loaves and let raise half hour-just to top of bread pans. Then bake 350* for 30 minutes or bread is done. Pop out of pans and butter tops.

Cut yourself a slice, butter it and enjoy a slice of fresh, homemade bread!!! We love it!!!! I freeze 2 loaves, and they are just fine when I thaw them.

Printer Friendly Version here.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Right now I'd much rather be outside... as the sun is finally shining after a week of rain and clouds!! But I figured I better get some more things done inside before next week, when my garden works calls and the flowerbeds ask for attention. I also wanted to share some more things I found... :) And have been having fun with. If you ask my Hubby, I have WAY too many irons in the fire right now. So hopefully things slow down a bit here before long.

First off though, I am finding out more and more people that I know, are reading my blog. I know I've told a lot of people about it, but there are those I hadn't, and I find out they are reading it. Why should I care?? It's not like I posted it on the World Wide Web and didn't want anyone to see it, right?? But it does make  me more nervous, posting ME, for you all to read about. Kinda like putting yourself out there for everyone to judge. And before you do, please know, that I am NOT perfect!!! Most of the posts I write are things I'm learning, and I still make mistakes even after posting. It's just me sharing from my heart. And please, if you have something to say, encouragement, tips, etc. etc., do share. I'm not going to bite!!! I like knowing about my audience, and who's out there. Many thanks to those who have told me they are reading, and have encouraged me. You know who you are...

Next, the fun things...

The first one I just started using a while back, after hearing about it a long time ago. So maybe for some of you, you are already doing it. I wanted to try it out myself, before blogging about it. And that is Paper Back Swap. A place to post some books you no longer want, and then you can order another book off the site, from another person. All you pay is the shipping for the book to who ever requests a book from you. They will mark it 'Received', when they get it, and you will get a credit to order another one. So we are all helping each other out, sending and receiving books. If you sign up under my link, you will give me a credit for a book. Tell your friends to sign up under your name and have the favor returned. If you want to read more about it, do that here.

Another fun site is Swap a DVD. And, yes, it is just like the PaperbackSwap. You post 10 DVDs and you get a credit to order any DVD on the site. I posted 8 DVDs and within 10 minutes 2 of them were requested. I liked that!! So now I am getting rid of a few of those DVDs that we got and then didn't care for. It's a great way to replace those DVDs with something of a much better moral value!! And yes, if you use my name, Lois Martin, as a referral, I'll get a credit.

I also want to remind you of Swagbucks. A search engine, where you randomly earn points, and then you can cash them in for prizes. I have been ordering my $5 gift cards and saving them on One day I will have enough to order my grain mill!!! And you all can help me out, but signing up under my referral link here. Your wins help me win. You can read more about it on my post here.

The other thing I've been doing is posting things on Craigslist and Ebay... and things have been moving. Well, I thought a tent was leaving today, but she never showed up. So either a misunderstanding or who knows. So that is how I've spent my week. I like making a few extra bucks.

If you have any questions, shoot me an email. Have fun exploring these sites...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sparkling Bathroom

Ahhh, who doesn't love a clean, fresh smelling bathroom!! Sad to say it is one of the last things to get cleaned in this house. Not because it doesn't need it, most time's it's because it's a job that happens to be the least favorite on my 'to-do-list'. So it will get put off and get put off, 'til I tell myself that I can't do 'XYZ' until 'that bathroom is CLEANED'!!!

And this morning was one of those mornings... I would NOT allow myself computer time, until THAT bathroom was sparkling and shining from being scrubbed. And it was so worth it... it looks lovely now!! And the best part... I ONLY used Baking Soda to clean the whole thing!!

Yep, you read that right-Baking Soda. Have you read the back of a baking soda box lately?? I know we all use it in the kitchen ALL the time. It's sitting in the spice rack, waiting for that next batch of cookies to be made. Well, I now have a box sitting under my bathroom sink. (Waiting for a 2 yr. old to find it. This morning he dumped ALL my ground cloves out, and was heading for the next container of spices. It's his newest 'find'.)

Anyway, back to the back of a baking soda box... Did you see what all you can do with it?? Besides using it for cooking and baking!! Wow... LOTS of cleaning ideas... Kitchen and bathroom sinks, counter tops, refrigerators, pots and pans (that one is more common knowledge, I think), Coffee pots, Ovens, Microwaves, stainless steel, showers, tubs, toilets, tile, grout and more. You can also use it for your garbage Pail (think odors), carpets, between uses in dishwasher (again think odors), and a smelly litter box (which you would not find in my house, by the way.).

My cousin was actually the one to point me in the direction of using baking soda to clean my toilet. I was asking her what she uses, instead of buying the chemical laiden stuff from Walmart. And she said she uses Baking Soda. And now and then when she wants something bubbly, will add vinegar. So today I just used baking soda and it worked wonderfully. (I almost said 'beautifully', but didn't think it was a good word to describe a useful thing like a toilet.)

When I used it in my shower, I sprinkled it on the sides and in the tub, then took a stainless steel brush and attacked the soap scum. Wow, I liked those results. Although I do think I'll go buy a brush just for my bathroom. I used the one from my kitchen and it had stuff in it... But it did wonderfully just the same. And I'll go buy a shaker to make it easier to 'sprinkle' instead of 'dumping' on the sides of my tub.

I even used it to clean my combs. And that reminds me... have you ever used Baking Soda to wash your hair?? Just use 1/4 tsp. or so in a cup of water and scrub your head with it. And rinse thoroughly. Leaves your hair soft and feels good. I often rinse my hair with vinegar too.

One simple product with so many uses. And I thought I needed 2 or more different cleaners just for my bathroom.

Happy Cleaning!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Shea Butter Lotion

I know it's the same picture, but it LOOKS the same as the other stuff.
Here is the first lotion recipe I tried way back last year. And it is the one I plan to use from now on. The lotion recipe I posted a while back, turned out to just be so greasy. Not sure why. I miss that hint of honey smell, that is in that recipe.

 For this recipe I did make changes from the original. But it was because the ingredients I used are better for your skin. They maybe a bit more expensive, but I know my skin needs better care. So I chose to use what I think is best. You may do your own study on the oils, and what oils are best for the human skin.

Shea Butter Lotion
Oil Phase
3 oz. Shea Butter or Cocoa Butter
2 oz. Jojoba Oil
1 oz. Sweet Almond Oil
1.5 oz Emulsifying Wax NF
Melt in double boiler, until all is liquid, about 5 min.

Water Phase
16 oz. Water-warm to your wrist
1 TBS. Glycerin
Mix together.
Then slowly pour your Oil Phase into your water phase, as you mix with a stick blender. (Yes, a stick blender is a MUST!! I tried it with just a hand mixer and it just does not do the job!! So I went a bought one just for my lotion making.)
Once all the oil phase is in the water phase, continue to mix for 2 more minutes. It will be white to off white in color and fairly thin. It will firm up as it cools.
Pour into containers and allow to cool. I like to use old lotion containers or containers with wide mouth openings, making it easy to reach in.

You may want to watch that video, as I watched it before linking, I realized some things I forgot. I changed a few of the ingredients too. And I don't use a preservative. Mainly because we use it fast enough, it won't spoil. And because I am not selling it. (My hubby thinks I should not be freely giving out my recipes. :) Since I am the one going to the work of finding one that works for me. But do remember, what works for my skin may not be the best for yours.)

You may also find it interesting to read this. It is about lotion making, but also contains info on what the ingredients are, in the lotions you buy. If you feel like educating yourself, it's a good place to start.

  • I wanted to know how much I was spending per batch of lotion I am making, so I broke it down. Here they are, I thought you might be interested too.

I'll post in the amounts I buy them in, all purchased at Mountain Rose Herbs.

1 lb Shea Butter - $11.00 - $2.20/batch
8 oz Jojoba Oil - $11.00 - $2.27/batch I will probably get this in a bigger amount next time, so it should make it a bit cheaper.
16 oz Almond Oil - $8.75 - $.55/batch
1 lb Emulsifying Wax - $6.50 - $.62/batch
Glycerin - I'm not even going to figure that out. I bought it by the Gallon a long while ago, and don't even remember what I paid for it. And it only takes 1 TBS!! So it's probably only pennies.
Water - FREE - :)

Total - $5.64 for 22 oz of lotion -Almost 3 cups!!! Not a bad deal, considering you made it, and you KNOW what's in it. And that it's ALL good for you!

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

God Gave To Me A Child

God gave to me a child – and then I knew
The precious gift of life, the beating heart,
The little hand that clings in childish trust,
The shining eyes that are so much a part
Of every moment in a parent’s day;
A language that no words could ever say.

God gave to me a child – and then I knew
The joy of love fulfilled, the quiet peace
Of home and fireside where, with strife denied,
The heart can calmly rest in love’s release,
Can gain strength in knowing angels stand
Around little ones with guarding hand.

God gave to me a child – and then I knew
The parenthood of God, the eternal care
Of He who keeps the night watch and never sleeps
Who, when His children need Him, is always there.
I sought His kingdom for so long a while,
And then I found it in my little baby’s smile.
 ~James B. Singleton ~
Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's out there!!! What an awesome calling we have in life!! As I fill the role God has placed me in, I admire my own Mother more and more. She has qualities in life that I hope will grow in mine. I hope my own sons will look back one day and see that, though I am not perfect, I loved them. I had their hearts in mind, I had goals for them to reach, I had time for them, I listened to all their stories, I cared deeply for them, I tried to understand what goes on in their minds, That I am pointing their hearts to God... Oh, I could go on... My heart is full of love for my boys. As I watch them grow so fast, I realize I don't have much time to mold their tender hearts. Time is short. Am I doing all that I can be, should be?? Will they be able to look back and say those things, I as a Mother, dream of hearing one day?? I pray for strength in this journey of Motherhood, that only God can give me. Only He can see me through those rough days, only He can give me wisdom. And for that I am so Thankful!!!
He has given me a wonderful life!! No, it's not perfect. But it is filled with the people who are helping me, shaping me, and guiding me. And one of them is my own Mother!! She means the world to me. And I am so glad to have her as a very close Friend. Mom, I love you!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Whole Wheat Pancakes

We love these simple whole wheat pancakes. When we first were married, I tried making pancakes, and to my dismay, found out my new hubby did not like them. So I tried added frozen blueberries, and yippee, he loved them that way. Now that is the only way I make them.

Lately, I've been wondering how to eat pancakes without slathering them with so much syrup (sugar)!! I have never cared for the pure Maple Syrup flavor, and love 'Log Cabin Syrup'. I was pleased to find it without High Fructose Corn Syrup in it. (I am still experimenting with making my own.) Well, this morning I decided to try putting yogurt on the pancakes, then just a bit of syrup. It was VERY, VERY good. My boys loved it. I make my own yogurt, so it was one of those 'good for you meals'.

When my hubby came in, I told him of our experiment... To say the least he was very sceptical of it. But he consented to trying it on one pancake. And he liked it too!! So we have a new official way of eating them!!

Whole Wheat Pancakes
1 Egg
1 C. Buttermilk I use whole milk when I don't have buttermilk on hand.
2 T. Oil/Butter
1 1/4 C. Whole Wheat Fresh Ground Flour Recipe calls for only 3/4 c. but we don't care for ours that runny. So I add flour 'til it's the consistancy I like.
1 T. Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Salt
Beat egg, add remaining ingredients in order listed. Then beat until smooth, with wire whisk. Pour on hot griddle. Makes 10 4 in. pancakes.
We like blueberries in our pancakes. So I put 4-6 on top of each pancake after I pour on griddle. They are frozen, and most times are fry ok. Now and then I will have unfried batter around a berry.

Serve piping hot, with yogurt and a bit of syrup.

Printer friendly version here.

Linked to 8 Muddy Boots From Scratch
               Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
               Tasty Tuesday
Check out these blogs for more great recipes.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Whole Wheat Honey Graham Crackers

I am slowly making more and more of my own conventional foods... foods I would never have given thought to making myself a few years ago. But as I mentioned the reasons in this post, I keep looking for recipes to make our own foods most families would buy. I found this recipe here and here-with natural sugar. And I would like to try the Chocolate version sometime. I've made my own Graham Crackers twice now and my boys just love them!!! (Don't all children??!!) And I admit, I like them too. So far they have kept very well, in my cookie jar. And boys seem to enjoy helping themselves when ever they feel like a little snack.

They are very simple and easy to make... Enjoy!!

Whole Wheat Honey Graham Crackers

2 ¼ cups whole wheat flour
½ cup sugar
1 t. baking powder
½ t. baking soda
½ t. salt
¼ t. cinnamon
4 T. honey
¼ c. water
1 t. vanilla
1 stick butter, melted
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a mixing bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.
Add the liquids: honey, water, vanilla and melted butter.
Stir well until a nice ball of dough is formed.

Cut two pieces of Parchment paper the size of the cookie sheet. Lay one piece of parchment paper on the cookie sheet. Place the ball of dough on the parchment paper. Lay the other piece of parchment paper on top of the ball of dough. Squish dough down a little with your fist. Use the rolling pin to roll the dough between the pieces of parchment paper. Roll until the dough covers the whole cookie sheet. Remove the top piece of parchment paper.

Cut dough into 2 inch squares, or cut shapes with cookie cutters, being sure to separate the shapes from the surrounding dough a little. (I actually just cut them after baking. And it worked just as well.

Bake in oven for 18 minutes. Turn oven off, but leave crackers in the oven to get crisp. Remove from oven after 30 minutes to one hour. Break graham crackers apart. Store in an air tight container.

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