Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trash Can Meal

This is a super yummy simple meal in one. Easy to make, easy to do and fun at the same time. The looks people give you when you tell them you are making a 'Trash Can Supper'. I had it for the first time soon after we were married. Then tried it myself a few years later, at a camp-out. It was a super hit!! We didn't have enough food, and there were many, many little children. They LOVED it.

You only need-
  • Galvanized trash can with tight lid.
  • 3 Empty Coffee Cans
  • Wire rack
  • Mesh Bags- (the kind you get onions n oranges in)
  • Veggies of your choice
  • Ham
  • Charcoal
  • Water
Set up for the charcoal. I just used 2 sillo staves from our fallen down sillo. But what ever rocks you have will work. The charcoal just gets better air flow if your trash can is not sitting directly on it. Athough we have done it that way, it works much better if there is air between.
Charcoal ready to be lit.
The inside of the can has 3 coffee cans (actually I think mine are formula) with both ends taken out, placed on bottom. Then put some kind of grates/racks on top of that. What you are doing is steaming the food. So you don't want the food touching the water at all!! Fill bottom of trash can, with water, up to about an inch below the coffee/formula cans rim.
Place your food in mesh bags. And place on the rack. Layering it with the longest cooking veggies on the bottom. And I like to put my onions on the top-let the flavor go through the rest of the food.

Veggies to do-potatoes, corn, beans, carrots, onions, whatever fresh veggies you have or wanna try. If doing broccolli, squash, ect, wait to add til last half hour.
Put the ham on the top of all the veggies... It is best to cut it in half . Or else it takes too long to cook. We like to use a smoked ham-that is precooked. So all it needs to do is be heated. The reason to put the ham on top is to let the juices run down over the food, flavoring it all.
Sitting on the fire... It takes right at 3 hours to do it. I light the charcoal right when I put the can on. And don't check it-as every time you lift the lid-it lets out all the steam. Then it needs to rebuild it back up-causing it to take much longer!! If you fill your can really full, it may take longer. Also you need a good, hot fire!
All done and ready to eat. Pull out the bags... And ENJOY!!!

Linked to-
--Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
--Tasty Tuesday
--Tuesdays At The Table
--Mom's 30 Minute Blog Challange


  1. What a fun idea! This would be a huge hit at our annual family gatherings!

  2. I want to make that and eat it right now - YUM!

    Stopping by from Steady Mom!

  3. Wow - really neat idea. I can see how it'd be a hit for camping!

  4. Now you've gone and made me hungry. :)

  5. Wow! I've never seen this before!

    I'm stopping by through Steady Mom's 30 Minute Challenge. I hope you'll do the same! You can find me @ http://sofiasideas.com/

  6. That is too fun!!! Who needs a crockpot?! I'd like to try that sometime!

  7. That is SO cool! I love your creativity! This is my first visit to your blog and I am now a follower. I can't wait to read more!!! :-)
