Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Homemade Granola

I was asked for this recipe, by Momma Bird in my Menu Plan post, so I thought I'd just post it here. My Boys LOVE this stuff and would eat it everyday, if I'd let them!!:) And I like knowing it's pretty much healthy. I also like to add their Primadophilus to it, along with my homemade yogurt, making it even better. And sometimes we add crushed strawberries to it, making a Yogurt Parfait.

I'll post the recipe and then share what I do different. It is originally from my Mom, I grew up with it.
 Update: I decided to link up with Tasty Tuesday, at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam. And Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, at BlessedwithGrace.
Homemade Granola
4 C. quick rolled oats (I put 1 cup of this as reg. oatmeal. It makes it a bit more chewy.)
2/3 C. Wheat Germ (I like using Honey Toasted Wheat Germ, but regular stuff works just great too.)
1/2 C. Brown Sugar (I've cut this back almost in half. And we love it way better. Maybe that's because I've been cutting back on sugar in everything, so we are getting away from so much sweets.)
1/2C. chopped nuts (I use pecans.)
1/2C Honey
Extras you can add- 1/2C coconut (I always add this)
Raisins sunflower seeds, flax seed... whatever you want.
Stir very well.
Microwave on high 2min. Stir. Mic again for 2 min. I have found though that 3 1/2 min. are better for my mic. So just experiment with it.
I should mention too, that this is more of a chewy granola, not crunchy. I think it is due to microwaving it instead of baking. And some really like it, while others don't.