Sunday, July 18, 2010

A busy life-

-We live!!

Can you tell my life has been very full?? My blog has been all but neglected. There are many time I wish I could some how put the thoughts from my brain right into my computer while I am busy in the garden, washing dishes or some other chore that doesn't take much mental challenges to do. I have lots of great ideas, brain storms and things to share. But the time to go write them all down and actually get them blogged is much harder to do. So it's not that I don't have things to share, it's more likely that I have other things I am doing-like My Garden Work, that right now has decided to have everything producing at once.

Yes, I have peas, beans, cucumbers, and squash. My red potatoes are needing to be dug. And some very high weeds to wade through. (Which I am guessing not much will be done with.)

1 weeks ago were were up at my Grandparents for a Family Reunion. The theme of it being 'Christmas in July'. We were all to make a gift age appropriate for ourselves to give away. A White Elephant type gift exchange. So I spent that week making gifts. (And yes, I had had a 4 month notice. But all the great inspirational ideas didn't come until 3 wks before.)

So this is what all I made in 2 wks...

The Bath Stuff was the most fun to do, and very simple too. I'll do a separate post on how to make them later. The chair I got at a garage sale cheap, and I just painted it and added the wallpaper stickers. The jean blankets were alot of fun to make. My boys are begging me to make them each one now. They love all the pockets and buttons. So that will be a winter project. And the bag was out of fabric I had on hand.

Last week we had VBS every evening from 6-8. So we left the house by 5:40 or so every evening. I took along 3 neighbor girls, and was so blessed to get to know them. And I am hoping our friendship continues. We had around 35 students every evening. The children did so well, soaking up everything. They loved the snacks and games as well.

I know a lot of you are just finding my blog for the first time... And it's not that I am trying to hide it from family and friends. I am just not one to self promote it much. So I want to 'Welcome' you here. So much as I love comments, I don't get much for the amount of people who stop. Yes, I know how many people come, where you are from, etc. I just don't know your name, but it gives me a general idea. So keep stopping by. At least I know someone is enjoying it, even if no one says much.

I have my posts all archived in the side bar under pages. It is much simple to search for the posts you want, by subject, then going through all the months in the Blog Archive, below it. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask. I am still learning and growing too. Or if you would like to see some thing posted here, feel free to tell me that too. I won't promise when things will get posted, as I know as garden things and fall doings come along, I will be much busier for a while.

I am going to try to keep my priorities right and keep my family first and not my blog!!

May you be blessed today!! 

1 comment:

  1. I was here. I read. I even left a comment!! lol. =) Always enjoy your posts, Lois!
