Monday, April 5, 2010


I've been making these Butterhorns for quite a few years now. It all started soon after I was married and my Aunt asked me to make them for a family get together. Then another friend wanted me to make them for a work day to go with her meal. I think I tripled the batch and ran out. Every one LOVES them!!! I never make just one batch, I do at least 2 and often 3. They freeze well, just warm up a bit and they taste fresh!!! They are my Brother-in-laws favorite... Try it, you won't be sorry!!:)

1 C. Lukewarm water
1 pkg. Yeast or 1TBLS bulk
1/2 C. Sugar
3 Eggs
1 tsp Salt
1/2 C. Soften Butter
5 C. Flour

Dissolve yeast in water. Add rest of ingredients. Kneed well. Let rise until double. Punch down. Divide into small chunks, and roll out, into a rough circle. About 12-15in. in diameter.
Then cut into wedges-like a pie.
Then roll from wide edge to point.
And put on greased cookie sheet or pan of some sort.
Let raise until double. (I generally turn my oven on at this point and when it's heated up, put the first pan in.) Bake at 350* for 15 min. Butter the tops and let cool on dish towels/racks/whatever. (I use a towel.)
Enjoy!!! They are super good while still warm too!!!

Printer friendly version HERE.


  1. They look good! Thanks for the great recipe and instructions.

  2. These look great. I was looking for this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Your butterhorns all look the same size!! I'm impressed! Ours are all different sizes - maybe we need to try your recipe and keep practicing!

  4. These look easy when you show pictures like this!

  5. The rolls look so pretty and tasty!! Thanks for sharing your recipe and linking to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.
