Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Nurture the Heart"

Nurture the Heart
He came to my side with a question--
And in the clear, blue eyes I read
A message of far greater substance
Then the mere words that he said.

"Can I have a story?" he queried,
And deep in my spirit, I knew
That my son was asking for my time
My person--and for my heart too!

I laid down the sock I was mending,
And drew the lad into my arms.
"I like storytime!" his voice ventured,
"It makes me feel cozy and warm!"

And in the warm glow of that moment,
Forgetting the things to be done,
I shared all the love of my spirit
And nurtured the heart of my son!
-Edith S. Witmer

I read that poem last evening and little did I know how the next day would go... It started as any other... I'm busy!!! I've got lots to do... things calling my attention from every direction. How can my little boys be so 'clutzy'?? I need to have the Apple Crisp's (6 pans) done today!! I have 10lbs of Meat Balls to make... How can my boys think they need my attention?? First one purposely accidentally dumps his orange juice. Then other sees how much attention he got from Mom, so he purposely accidentally spills his. "I just want Mom to slow down and see that we are here. Not some little kids who need to be 'slopped' fed , cleaned up, and sent out to play."

But Mom hurries on her way, wishing they would be more careful. And that they would go play for hours on end, so that she could get her own work done!! Can't they see she has a headache too?? As her morning progresses, those little boys get naughtier and naughtier... and ALL they need is some one on one time with Mom!!!

I need to nurture those little hearts!! I need to show them love, show them Jesus, even on the full and busy days. I need to show them care and understanding... I need to show them they are the most important thing in my life. I need to be their example, even on the busy days!!!

As I read that poem last evening, and I couldn't help but feel touched!!! Yes, I love story time with my boys. I love teaching them and seeing their minds comprehend things. I love being able to teach them, by example and by lessons learned in my own life. And it seems I have learnt another lesson in life!! And I just wrote about time...

I love my boys and love learning with them!! (Do I really love the learning part?? I think I can say I do! Even though it doesn't always feel good, I am so glad God still corrects and chastens me!!)


  1. Hi there! I'm following you from Follow me Friday. I love you blog! Can't wait to read more...I'd love it if you'd follow me, too! :) Have a great weekend! God Bless!

  2. Happy Friday Follow! Be back later to actually read more. I see a recipe for homemade excited! Do you use google friend connect - i don't see a button? For now I'll subscribe.


  3. Here there! I am glad I found you too! I would love to connect but you dont have a button? If you go to add element you can out that up on your sidebar. LMK if you need help! God Bless!

  4. Thanks for linking up at Friday Follow! It’s such a grand day to meet you, so here I am...your newest blog follower. Happy weekend!

    ~ Lynn

  5. Fantastic post!! I so needed that reminder today.
